It’s probably true that most people don’t think about the springs inside their brass instruments until they have a problem, either they break or the valve casings become so clogged up with dirt, they have to remove the valves and springs to clean.
Some years ago I realised that the basic brass springs that we supplied with our instruments could be vastly improved upon, with good design and perfect manufacture. Springs that have total reliability, work silently within the valve group and don’t fatigue, should be essential to any brass player, whether amateur or professional.
I did some testing with different designs, tensions, altering the basic shape of the spring to get increase performance. Once this was achieved, it was essential to make the spring work silently. Plastic coatings are notorious for degrading, and eventually causing more problems than they’re worth inside the valve casing. So after some considerable research, I opted for a thin fluoropolymer tubing that would have to be put on the spring by hand, and then be fixed together in the centre with a small amount of heat.
After getting a set of euphonium springs that I was really delighted with, it seemed logical to create a few more options. Some Eb bass players tried them in their instruments and told me they worked much better than the standard springs. It was also important to develop some springs with a slightly lighter tension, as it stands to reason that not everyone’s right-hand has the same dexterity and power.
Clearly any design for the baritone would have to have a thinner design width due to the diameter of the valve and valve casing. A set for the biggest tubas was also necessary, and this was also achieved.
So within the Meadspring range there are now four options:
· Baritone/non-compensating euphoniums
· Euphonium Light for compensating euphoniums
· Original for compensating euphs, EEb/F bass/tuba
· CC and BBb basses/tubas
Although they’ve been on the market for quite a few years now, many people are only just discovering them. For the last two and a half years they’ve been used inside all Sovereign and Prestige baritones euphoniums and basses manufactured by Besson. This prestigious company want the best for their instruments.
So if you haven’t thought about the springs in your instrument, perhaps it’s time that you did and with a moneyback guarantee from EuphoniumStore.net you have absolutely nothing to lose! You can transform your technique and smoothness in slow playing using these springs. As it’s springtime surely it’s time for some new springs!